I think we all have passions and you don’t get to choose them, they pick you. But you have to be alert to them, you have to be looking for them and when you find your passion it’s a fantastic gift for you because it gives you direction, it gives you purpose!
You could have a job or you can have a career or you can have a calling! In fact, the best thing to have is, A CALLING! Believe that when you find your calling and passion, all your work won’t feel like work anymore.
After traveling to France & USA and completing a Ph.D in science and an MBA in sales and Marketing, I discovered that my calling is to create jobs by helping businesses boom their sales through the power of digital marketing.
Over the past 8 years I have unlocked the DNA of sales & marketing by setting marketing and sales strategies to 1000s of businesses. The techniques we are applying on daily basis are proven, working and highly successful.

Today, our award-winning digital agency, Lebanese Memes Solutions, is helping 1000s of businesses grow via affordable, realistic, honest and reasonable solutions. We are changing the industry via the viral value we are providing.
If you’re facing challenges growing your brand and selling more, all you need to do is just ask for help! My teammates and I are here to listen to you and help you overcome these challenges because you deserve to be successful and no one has ever succeeded by standing still.