
Facebook is a phenomenal tool to utilize for any business! It not only aids with brand awareness, establishes identity, and allows you to engage with audiences to ultimately enhance sales!
As with all types of technological platforms, it may be difficult to figure out how to enhance your stagnant Facebook page or even manage the new Facebook page you’ve just created for your business.

I’ve put together 5 (eclectic) tried and tested Marketing tips that I use in my own digital media agency so you can ensure you’re effectively promoting your products and services to your desired audience(and put money in the bank!)

1. Invite the Right Audience

I know how tempting it is to invite EVERYONE on your friend’s list to like your Facebook page, because the more likes the more exposure.. Right? No. This will work against you because a)not everyone is your target audience/potential customer and b) Facebook algorithms will scan their interests and show your page to similar people. Target the right people.

2. Be patient: Grow Your Organic Reach

When you’re stuck it’s easy to be tempted to buy your way out. Considering Facebook’s algorithm hinders business’ audience reach, you need to ensure you have a creative marketing strategy and engaging social media posts. In the long run, it pays(pun intended) to grow your reach organically as you’ll have REAL interaction with humans which will trickle down to other humans. You cannot sell your products to bots.

3. Focus on your Cover Photo

Why? Simply because, it’s your “virtual” first impression – it introduces the brand at a glance, it’s a virtual explanation of the brand. Ensure it is the right size(for both desktop and mobile adaptations), and learn the correct pixels and size(resolution: 851×315)

4. Use a “Lookalike Audience”

If you do decide to use paid ads, get your ads to the right people! Use this tool to grow your organic reach through this Facebook audience. It essentially collects information to show your ads and posts to people who relate to your current customer base.

5. Create Viral Value:

What viral post has previously captured your attention and why? Try adapt previous viral content or make your own! There are many elements to consider such as utilizing emotion, humor, trends, etc.

If you have any queries, feel free to reach out!

Sam Trabulsi

I am a digital marketing entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in the industry. I have a passion for creating effective digital strategies and campaigns to drive awareness, leads, and sales.

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