
Teamwork: Crucial or Irrelevant?

As a responsible professional, I interact and manage tens of team members on a diurnal basis. My team is now made up of a bunch of eclectic individuals – trust me, it took a lot of trial and error to find them (and conscious leadership to retain them). Experiencing high turnover was excruciatingly frustrating but […]

Self-Confidence Creation

Self-confidence: A feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. Self-confidence isn’t something you buy, it’s something you develop. You can consider it as an inside job, you have got to study, you have got to learn, you have got to practice and you will have to do the hard things so that you earn it. […]

Why fear rejection when it’s your best ally?

I wouldn’t write this article and preach things if I am not personally practicing the solution on a daily basis. Today I want to talk about the fear of rejection in business which is similar to that of life. Rejection is just part of the game of Life. Anytime you want something you will risk […]

Persistence is KEY!

By definition, persistence is the continued or prolonged existence of something. If you think about it, you will find those successful people sustain their success by their lack of failure.  By the way, failure, which is the lack of success cannot exist with persistence. It is a proven fact that, the degree of persistence you […]

Sell or be sold

Did you know that all humans on planet earth are sales people? It doesn’t need to be a product or a service, people sell their ideas to each other without knowing that the art of convincing is actually a big part of sales. Do you remember a time when you were sharing a story with […]