
Demystifying AI in Marketing and Learning

There’s no doubt about it: Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken over the world of marketing and learning, and it looks as though that’s not going to change anytime soon. An Introduction to how artificial intelligence works Before we talk about how artificial intelligence can be applied to marketing, it’s first important to know exactly what […]

Top 100 Instagram Influencers In Lebanon

When working with clients and influencers, it’s not always easy to find the right software and get accurate information about social media accounts and their competitors. Having tried many softwares, the one I used to conduct this study gave me 90% accurate information for the KPIs I was investigating. Country Rank Country rank is assigned […]

My Top 6 Social Media Tips

I often get asked for my insider tips and tricks relating to social media – they vary from marketing queries,creating content, visual preferences, employee management, and many more! In this brief article, I’ve listed 6 crucial tips to keep in mind when developing your social media platforms: 1. Create Raw Content (Real Time Marketing) With […]

5 Tips for Facebook Marketing

Facebook is a phenomenal tool to utilize for any business! It not only aids with brand awareness, establishes identity, and allows you to engage with audiences to ultimately enhance sales!As with all types of technological platforms, it may be difficult to figure out how to enhance your stagnant Facebook page or even manage the new […]

Having a passion is a gift!

I think we all have passions and you don’t get to choose them, they pick you. But you have to be alert to them, you have to be looking for them and when you find your passion it’s a fantastic gift for you because it gives you direction, it gives you purpose! You could have […]