Having a passion is a gift!
I think we all have passions and you don’t get to choose them, they pick you. But you have to be alert to them, you have to be looking for them and when you find your passion it’s a fantastic gift for you because it gives you direction, it gives you purpose! You could have […]
Colors in Design and Marketing
Beirut, Lebanon, March 16, 2019 – One of Lebanese Memes design experts, Youmna Kanaan, presented her workshop “Colors in Design and Marketing” on March 17 at the Lebanese Memes Solutions headquarters. A distinct workshop, the workshop was cultivated to aid designers develop a color mindset to overcome design challenges in the marketing industry. The two […]
Instagram for Business

Beirut, Lebanon, 9th of March, 2019 – One of Lebanese Memes Social Media experts, Rasha Zarif, presented her second workshop, “Instagram for Business” on March 9 in Beirut. An in-depth workshop with live demonstrations, “Instagram for Business” was designed to teach account managers, entrepreneurs, and business owners to utilize features and overcome challenges when using the […]
Being Selfish can be good for the world
Do you ever feel like you’re trying to please everybody around you? Your friends, your family, your coworkers, your boss, everybody and you think that this is what makes you happy? Or you’re trying to be happy by pleasing everybody else? If you’re trying to please everyone but you don’t please yourself, you please […]
How do you measure success?

Lebanese Memes Solutions digital agency started as a Facebook page. Today the agency has sustained its fan base with a reach of 1 Million fans from all around the world on weekly basis. It continues to unite people from all around the world with a smile while creating jobs and helping businesses. The daily after […]
Recommendations for entrepreneurs from economy expert Maurice Matta
Producer and Presenter of the Financial News for MTV Lebanon TV station and the head of the economy department at the prestigious Annahar journal in Beirut; Maurice Matta has established himself as, not only a leader in financial journalism but also THE reference and the most reliable source in the Middle East region when it comes to economy […]
Ego is the Enemy

It’s a must read! I have recently came to a decision that I needed to reinvent myself, unlearn everything I know, relearn and acquire new knowledge based on the different perspectives and experiences I have been living, celebrating and embracing. The library has always been my home base and headquarters. It’s where I go to […]
Stay Focused Anyway!

The moment you set an objective, obstacles will stand in your way. This is how life works. For instance, one thing about progressing towards your goals is that you are not necessarily going to be met with a parade by the people around you–even by those who love and support you the most. Success breeds […]
Learn to connect the right way.

In life and in business we will need to be aware of (1) whom we are marketing ourselves to, (2) what we are marketing, and (3) how we are marketing ourselves. Each of these three things can make a major difference in our journey for success. People who understand these three components can Set […]
Self-Confidence Creation

Self-confidence: A feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. Self-confidence isn’t something you buy, it’s something you develop. You can consider it as an inside job, you have got to study, you have got to learn, you have got to practice and you will have to do the hard things so that you earn it. […]